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Above the Clouds

親愛的弟兄姐妹,朋友,平安! 歡迎您來到大溪城華語基督教會的網站。我是教會的陳廣善牧師。這個網頁的設計形成是為了提供您一些關乎我們 教會的資訊信息。如果您是路過大溪城,或者是剛搬到這個地區,甚至是已來到這地方許久,我們都歡迎并邀請您來 與我們共同敬拜,認識與服侍神。這是我們在這里建立教會的目的。若果您還不是基督徒,或不曾踏入教會,我們也 照樣的歡迎邀請您來看看。希望能藉著您的光臨,我們夠認識您,與您作個朋友; 分享喜悅,分擔困苦。同時,這個 網站也是為本教會中的弟兄姐妹而設立的。藉著它,我們希望能有另一個分享交流的平臺。通過這些的資訊(教會事 工活動,講壇信息,靈修資源,生活分享等)我們能更加有聯系,能繼續在主里成長。 願神賜福給您!

Above the Clouds

Welcome note from the pastor

Dear brothers and sisters, friends, peace be with you! Welcome to Grand Rapids Chinese Christian Church's Web site. I am Cornelius Ting, the church's pastor. This web page is designed to provide you with information about our church. No matter if you stop by the City, or just move to this area, or even have been here for a while, we welcome and invite you to worship with us, understand and serve God, which is what we are here to do in the church. If you are not a Christian, or who have not visited the church, we invite you to have a visit and want to know you and make friends with you. We can share the joy and help each other in hardship. At the same time, the website is established for brothers and sisters in the Church, too. We hope to have another shared platform through it. Through this information (the church ministry, information forum, spiritual resources, the sharing of life, etc.), we can have more interactions and continue to grow in our Lord. God bless you!

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