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大溪城华语基督教会成立于1983年。它开始于一个小组查经班后逐渐发展成教会。 一直以来它是由一群相信圣经教导并愿委身与耶稣基督为救赎主和生命的主的基督徒而组成。虽然信徒来自于不同 的背景国界(中国,港台, 东南亚和其他地区)在教会里愿藉敬拜聚会赞美服事神;藉查经班主日学教导建立信仰根 基;藉小组团契联络肢体相互关系;也藉生活向世人见证基督丰盛的救恩与生命。

Church History

The Grand Rapids Chinese Christian Church was founded in 1983. It began as a small Bible study group, which gradually grew into a church. The church is composed of a group of Christians who believe in the teachings of the Bible, and are willing to commit themselves to Jesus Christ, the Lord, and Savior of their lives. Although the believers come from different backgrounds and different countries (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and other areas), in church, we praise and serve the Lord together through worship services; we build the foundation of our faith through the teachings in Bible study groups and Sunday School classes; we increase our fellowship with one another through fellowship groups; we witness Christ's abundant grace and fullness of life through our lives. We welcome you to come and acquaint yourself with our family in Christ. Let us grow together in the love of Christ Jesus.

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